Thursday, August 26, 2010

Batch Anniversary 2010

More than a year has passed by for the Batch 12..
many friendships were found,
some might have broke,
some just grew closer than ever..

A year has passed..
tears were shared,
smiles were passed round,
laughters were spread...

Experience this past one year could never be replaced,
Friends over here can never be replaced,
But yet..
Time waits for no man..
One day Batch 12 will graduate and..
some might lead almost the same path,
some would lead a whole different path..

But till the day Batch 12 graduates..
Batch 12 are all in the same path,
Supporting each other to the finishing line...

On the 28th of July 2010..
Some friendships were reignited..
Most friendships grew stronger than ever..
By just remembering how everything changed so drastically this one year..
how supportive your friends were and are still..

no more blabbing..
so these are some of the pictures that perhaps..
mean something more than just smiles and hugs..
and not forgetting laughters..

welcoming in the seniors!

did she practice for this moment? :D

sitting with friends

and knowing these friends are for life? :)



remembering the very fond memories 

harinn's thought: should i share this? it looks good..

looks like everyone got a share of it!

Batch 12!

p.s. i know it has been long, but KY's internet is just killing the possibilities of uploading the pictures.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Gift from God

Alhamdulillah, Pn.Rog sudah selamat dikurniakan seorang cahaya mata baharu pada 20th August 2010.
It's a baby boy! A new addition to her family which also means a more joyful Raya for her family  this year. Congratulations Pn.Rog! We love you.

xx Niesh.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Procrastination is a thief of time.

Hello there! A LOT  has happened in the past one week ;

  • Evening with Garnet took place last week on the 4th of August at the Great Hall
  • Alumni Weekend and also Cheer Competition
  • Cultural Performance on Sunday Night
  • Revelation Day
  • Ramadhan
I could never  imagine the amount of activities held in KY but hey, that's what spices things up and makes our life a lil bit less boring.I'll begin with my first bullet.

I didn't exactly attend Evening with Garnet where they set up a haunted house at the Great Hall and participants of the game they conducted had to solve the mystery.I was too busy trying to catch up with my studies as it was the only night I was free, so I grabbed the opportunity. Nevertheless, I've heard so many good feedback about the night. Especially when Garnet was the first house to turn things differently. So, Kudos to the Garnet House and each and every member for making the night a very joyful night.( Could also consider the night as a scary night. Did you get any goosebumps while you were at the GH? )

Secondly, last Saturday was Alumni Weekeend! A number of KYUEM's Alumni came back to join us and they set up booths in the Great Hall. There was an answer and question session according to the Universities the alumni were currently in or have left. They were very friendly, informative and they helped us all out with answering every question we asked them. Some even brought their laptops to show pictures of life in the UK.

After an hour and a half of that, we proceeded with Cheer Competition. Everyone was present and wearing t-shirts according to their house colour. We bonded with the alumni ( or do you call them super super seniors? ) a little bit and got very spirited before cheer even started. Garnet House went up on stage first.Some of the cheer were new and there were a few that was added 30 minutes before cheer even started! Garnet's " Sumpah Hot Gila Dow " is constantly on my mind now. haha. The second house to go up was Diamond , House of Courage. The Diamonders looked really happy on stage and the boys were jumping up and down cheering their lungs out. Up next was Topaz. Dressed in black from head to toe, Topaz started strong and mighty and ended with a few cheerleading steps as they lifted up two girls and Yasmin did a split. (Y) . Last but not least were  the Spidey. Juniors of Sapphire wore KYUEM's blue shirt and were called " Celcom" as it resembled Celcom's colour. I think every house performed well and it's not winning that was important. It was the spirit we showed and how we did it as a team.
  1. Topaz
  2. Diamond
  3. Sapphire
  4. Garnet
Each won a hamper, I think. Congratulations to all houses!

Next up was Cultural Performance by Batch 13 of 2010. We we're given only 2 weeks to prepare for CP and we made full use of all the time we had. The directors , Nael ,Rose, Nasif and Head of Performance , Ashraf and Yasmin all did a great job and also had so many confusions and the amount of stress they had to handle. But it was all worth it wasn't it. I personally think we did great. We only got to use the stage twice. The night before CP and also the day before CP started. Props and backstage both did  a great job, it wasn't easy lifting up those heavy things and putting them back together. The crowd were very supportive and CP is one thing that most of us from batch 13 are starting to miss already.

Classes were back to normal and on Monday was Revelation day for all houses except for Topaz. Diamonders were at the hockey field while Sapphire and Garnet were at the football field. Most of us managed to find out pet sis / pet bro and also pet sibling. Those who failed to find were punished but not in a cruel way. They were asked to dance . The bashing up only started  a little later. All Juniors were given an ice cream each first. We were all happily eating the ice cream and once we were done and the rubbish were thrown, the seniors came with buckets filled with I-dont-even-know-what and water balloons. We were scared, cause we had no idea what was upon us but we stayed still and waited to get wet or something. I was unlucky. I had rotten maggi + sausages + IDKW on me and it smelt really bad. It smelt like vomit, I wanted to vomit. :O Some of the juniors had rotten milo on them. Eggs were thrown and the juniors were chasing after their seniorsjust to get them back. I accidentally cracked an egg on my own forehead and bumped my head with Neelam's when I was chasing a senior. haha. But in the end, I still got him egged. :D I've never got bashed up before as my birthday is always on a holiday so the experience was surreal but worth it!
As I am typing, I hear screams coming from the field as it is Topaz's turn for their Revelation.

Today is also the first day of Ramadhan. How's fasting in KY going for everyone? Did any of you miss sahur this morning? It's 6.30 pm now so just a little bit longer till Buka Puasa. I wonder what kind of food does the DH serves and will there be dates. I love dates. There will be Terawikh at the Surau every night. It may just be one of the many ' solat sunat ' but I think we should all grab the opportunity to perform Terawikh. It doesn't take much time. It's just 8 rakaat after Isyak and 3 rakaat of Withir.

Selamat Berpuasa !

Tomorrow is THURSDAY. Ive got not much to say for Thursday but,


for receiving your results! I'm sure it'll be the best of it and keep an optimistic mind!

Till then,

Haniesha E.

Personal Timetable

HONESTLY, reading the timetable from the original timetable sheet the college has already provided really kills me sometimes, well all the time! After all, we just want to know what the blocks are.

Therefore, ladies and gentleman, I've created a new timetable which only tells us the DAY and the BLOCKS. Small and easy to read. You can even download it and save it in your phone, BB, iPhone or what have you. Now, you don't have to ask people for the blocks anymore. How cool is that!

I hope everyone will make full use of these timetables (including the DH Menu)


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meal Hours For Ramadhan

ALHAMDULILLAH we've made it to Ramadhan once again. To the Seniors, this is the second time we're going to experience Ramadhan with our friends and teachers in KYUEM. For the Juniors, the first time will be the hardest especially when you've never spent Ramadhan without the presence of your family and close friends. But this is the challenge and a journey we all must take sooner or later. So why not now? God has blessed us with wonderful blessings and a chance to once again fast in the Holy Month, Ramadhan. May our prayers be heard by him always and forever.

Here are some info regarding the meal hours in the Dining Hall:

09 - 15 AUGUST 2010
Meals for Ramadhan

* Iftar is breaking the fast (berbuka)
* Coffee, tea and toast will always be served during Sahur
* GORANG = GORENG. Sorry for the typo. Lol

For Muslims :

Sahur : 4.30 - 5.30 PM
Dinner : 6.30 - 8.00 PM

For Non-Muslims (as usual) :

Breakfast : 7.30 - 8.30 AM
Lunch : 12.30 - 1.30 PM
            12.15-1.15 PM (Friday)
Dinner : 6.30 - 8.00 PM

Go to the DH Menu button on top to have a look at the Menu for this week.

I wish all of you KYUEMians a very lovely and blessed Ramadhan! May God bless us all always and forever.


Sunday, August 8, 2010


BA 2010 

Heal The World - MJ

There's A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

There Are Ways
To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

If You Want To Know Why
There's A Love That
Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For
Joyful Giving
If We Try
We Shall See
In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And
Start Living

Then It Feels That Always
Love's Enough For
Us Growing
So Make A Better World
Make A Better World...

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

And The Dream We Were
Conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We
Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep
Strangling Life
Wound This Earth
Crucify Its Soul
Though It's Plain To See
This World Is Heavenly
Be God's Glow

We Could Fly So High
Let Our Spirits Never Die
In My Heart
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Create A World With
No Fear
Together We'll Cry
Happy Tears
See The Nations Turn
Their Swords
Into Plowshares

We Could Really Get There
If You Cared Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
To Make A Better Place...

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

 There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

You And For Me


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Batch 12 Anniversary

         Hey guys. It has been a year! Believe it or not, we are seniors now! I know2.. We are heading out from this verdant uplands. However, dont you miss our induction week, our BA, our great CP, Boria and many more!
Frankly speaking, I really wanted to go back to times, where we got no class. oh yeah!

         Instead, we are the one who will lost here. A year in KYUEM, im sure most of us had found something interesting here. It is normal, some of us find their partner here, while others started to quarrel for something simple. We find true friends here, while discovering ourselves. We learn precious things here, in order to survive and achieving the best. Thus, the excitement felt to escape from this so-called-lembah beringin might turn into a tearful event.

         Our anniversary will indicate the starting point of something big. We will never be apart. Once we reach our destination, our spirit will always together. Best friends never ends.

          For the night, juniors, I thank you! You guys are awesome! Nice performance and food. :P
Sorry for the mess... :DD


Heal The World
Cake cutting ceremony
Juniors ;)


Inter-faith Dialogue: 5th August

Alhamdulillah, on the 5th August 2010 we managed to organize the Inter-faith dialogue
3 representatives from 3 religions, Islam(Xifu Nasir), Christian(pastor John), and Hindu(Prof Dr.Bala)
were invited as the panel, moderated by Ustaz Hasbi.

The night was very peaceful, when everyone trying to listen and understand the truth. Mr Sutherland, the Headmaster of KYUEM gave the opening speech to ensure the discussion stay within the scope.

Thanks to MUSCOM, Christian Fellowship and ICC for their great collaboration thus
the night was a big success.

During break, we were served with sandwiches and 'air sirap'. Thanks to the commitee,
who, I believed have put their fullest effort in bringing this fruitful event.

In addition, I am more than happy when
 the student responded in a very articulate manner, with constructive questions.
I am impressed, surely the panel too, with the high intellectual and wide knowledge level shown by the students.

Thank you again. 
- HizDa-

'I might disagree with you but I will defend to death your right to speak'
'Enough with tolerance, let us go beyond that, acceptance' 

Monday, August 2, 2010


Hey there, so today we had a short Students' Assembly in the Great Hall and Zikri announced about KYUEM's blog. We hope this blog gets to be continued till the upcoming generations and be the source of update to students here.

We would try our best to update this blog as much as possible even with the smallest event that is going on. It's my first post here and I already have news to tell!

Sapphire started their Pet Bro / Pet Sis / Pet Family thing today with the Blue box and Spidey out infront of the Dining Hall before the door. Some of the juniors have replied their letters. Sapphire has started, so what about Diamond, Topaz and Garnet? I'm sure your new pet brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting for their letter, wondering to see who would be their pet family in KYUEM.

Also, outside of the Dining Hall today approximately at 6.30pm, Garnet House was selling cakes. They had a variety of cakes : Carrot + Walnut , Pandan, Chocolate and Caramel. All selling from Rm.2.00 to Rm.3.50 . I'm sure it's all sold out by now . By the time I finished my dinner ( 6.40pm ) the Caramel and Choclolate were both already sold out! I got a chance to try a pinch of the caramel cake thanks to one of the Garnet Seniors. (:

On another note, I know this does not have anything to do with the college or students, but I had my first IELTS class today with Ms.Madeline and she taught us a few new words that some of us might not be aware of.

  • Baggravation - the feeling of aggravation when you're at the airport and waiting for your luggage which is simly taking forever to arrive or the minor panic attack you receive when all the other bags from your flight has been picked up and yours isn't anywhere in sight. Ever had that feeling anyone?
  • Mouse Potato. Now, we all have heard of Couch Potato, but what about Mouse Potato? It's the addiction of a person towards the computer. Haha, at first I tried to link to Mouse to the real rodent.
  • Ms or Mizz is the term being used for women who wouldn't want their marital status to be revealed. Look it up at the Oxford Dictionary under Mizz or Ms, you'll find one.
Well that's all the time I have for now. Don't forget to attend one of the most anticipating events of this week coming this Wednesday, 4th August : Evening with Garnet House at the Great Hall.
Also, another Blood donating session going on tomorrow. Come on people, it's good to give and every drop counts. Imagine the experience of donating blood, would be surreal wouldn't it?
I would love to, but I'm still underaged.

Anyway, gotta go now.

Haniesha E.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Minggu Kebudayaan Melayu (MKM) KDU College

IN supporting Kolej Damansara Utama for their Minggu Kebudayaan Melayu (MKM), I would love to encourage all KYUEMians to go for their Gala Dinner on 6th August 2010 at KDU Auditorium at 8.00 P.M. I'm sure our Petronas Scholars who went for their STE Activity wouldn't want to miss it for the whole world cheering and supporting their friends under the limelight. Yes, it's a short weekend and we have classes on the Saturday, but I'm sure we can find a way to go there.

Led by their very own Yugenderan Balamohan, he ensures that with his awesome and wonderful committee/team, this event will be a success parallel with their good intentions in spreading the 1 Malaysia spirit throughout the country and withing our college environments.

Here are some info regarding the event (source :!/group.php?gid=118760984834393&v=wall&ref=ts)

This annual celebration by the Malay Cultural Society(MCS) of KDU College provides a platform to instill unity and cultural awareness among the students of KDU college.

This year, the members of MCS wish to spread the 1 Malaysia spirit far and wide, cultivating a more harmonious and understanding society and closing the gaps between races through our theme of "Citra Warna Malaysia"

Throughout the week of 2nd to 6th of August 2010, exciting activities which involves students of KDU college as well as secondary school students would be held. This includes fundraising drives, various cultural performances, interschool and interdepartment competitions, a traditional attire day and a gala dinner on the night of 6th of August.

For more info, please do go to!/group.php?gid=118760984834393&v=wall&ref=ts

All the best to KDU in the event! I'm sure it'll be awesome.

KYUEM sends their regards and apology if we're not able to come and support.