Monday, August 2, 2010


Hey there, so today we had a short Students' Assembly in the Great Hall and Zikri announced about KYUEM's blog. We hope this blog gets to be continued till the upcoming generations and be the source of update to students here.

We would try our best to update this blog as much as possible even with the smallest event that is going on. It's my first post here and I already have news to tell!

Sapphire started their Pet Bro / Pet Sis / Pet Family thing today with the Blue box and Spidey out infront of the Dining Hall before the door. Some of the juniors have replied their letters. Sapphire has started, so what about Diamond, Topaz and Garnet? I'm sure your new pet brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting for their letter, wondering to see who would be their pet family in KYUEM.

Also, outside of the Dining Hall today approximately at 6.30pm, Garnet House was selling cakes. They had a variety of cakes : Carrot + Walnut , Pandan, Chocolate and Caramel. All selling from Rm.2.00 to Rm.3.50 . I'm sure it's all sold out by now . By the time I finished my dinner ( 6.40pm ) the Caramel and Choclolate were both already sold out! I got a chance to try a pinch of the caramel cake thanks to one of the Garnet Seniors. (:

On another note, I know this does not have anything to do with the college or students, but I had my first IELTS class today with Ms.Madeline and she taught us a few new words that some of us might not be aware of.

  • Baggravation - the feeling of aggravation when you're at the airport and waiting for your luggage which is simly taking forever to arrive or the minor panic attack you receive when all the other bags from your flight has been picked up and yours isn't anywhere in sight. Ever had that feeling anyone?
  • Mouse Potato. Now, we all have heard of Couch Potato, but what about Mouse Potato? It's the addiction of a person towards the computer. Haha, at first I tried to link to Mouse to the real rodent.
  • Ms or Mizz is the term being used for women who wouldn't want their marital status to be revealed. Look it up at the Oxford Dictionary under Mizz or Ms, you'll find one.
Well that's all the time I have for now. Don't forget to attend one of the most anticipating events of this week coming this Wednesday, 4th August : Evening with Garnet House at the Great Hall.
Also, another Blood donating session going on tomorrow. Come on people, it's good to give and every drop counts. Imagine the experience of donating blood, would be surreal wouldn't it?
I would love to, but I'm still underaged.

Anyway, gotta go now.

Haniesha E.

1 comment:

  1. Woah, thanks for this update haniesha. Good job, later if i have time i would update some too. keep up the good work, cheers for our blogging team :)
