AFTER a long four weeks break, I'm sure everyone is excited to come back to college! And I'm definitely sure that my fellow comrades from Batch 12 and 12.5 are all geared up to start up fresh in this coming semester. With the seniors (Batch 11 and 11.5) gone to pursue their goals and dreams outside of KYUEM, we're all going to miss all of them and we thank them for making our lives in KYUEM richer and more colorful. It's an absolute honor to work and study with all of you and there are thousand and one sweet memories that we've shared together. Those were the times where tears are shed, laughter burst and a mix of love and anger altogether along the way. We will never forget the day when we arrived in KYUEM, you seniors accepted us into this wild and windy road with a big warm heart. How could we forget the times when we cheered together for our houses, Garnet, Sapphire, Diamond and Topaz? How could we ever forget wanting to win every single competition, any inter-house for our beloved houses? But in the end, none of that seem. We're going to miss the explosions of laughter in the AV Room by the seniors. We're going to miss studying with them in the RC. We're going to miss eating with them in the DH. We will miss cheering with the seniors. We will miss everything, definitely. But, looking at the bright side, this is not the end for us. We are obviously going to meet you guys soon. It's Malaysia-lah.
Whatever it is, we wish you all the best and thank you seniors. We love you dearly.

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